It's astounding how what was true just several weeks ago can so radically alter, but life can be a capricious bitch/bastard; friendships are made and lost, groups cohere then fragment, love turns unexpectedly to acrimony. The only constant is constant change. This should be reassuring, but it seldom is. Still, the sense we make of our lives, and the lives of those around us at a given point in time doesn't lose its valency, or poignancy for having moved past us. We can only aspire to meet life stride for stride, and to keep our hearts and heads in step with its sometimes perilous transformations.
"It is this capacity to combine the rich cultural history Esid comes from with the prospects for self-invention promised here that distinguish his homebound body of work. The banality of the elements he chooses to photograph does nothing to diminish his pictures' effects. What could be a more engaging, challenging image of liberty than a Muslim-American man standing atop his motorcycle, flaunting a headless eagle? In this portrait with its seemingly simplistic pieces, he conveys abundant signifiers- mindless freedom and issues of self-representation while precariously perched on a perilous vehicle. Would that we all could see that the things that make the most potent meanings are often as close at hand as home." full text: here